The Orb river and the bridge leading into Beziers. Here the papal army massacred thousands of Occitans during its first invasion.
The castle of Roquefixade. Fire signals from this outpost offered the only communication for the besieged in Montsegur.
St. Nazaire's Cathedral in Bezier. This cathedral and the church of St. Mary Magdalene witnessed the worst of the killings during the massacre of 1209.
This modest monument marks the site of Muret, where Montfort defeated the allied Occitan forces.
Avignonet in the Haute-Garonne region. Occitan knights murdered a Dominican Inquisitor here in 1242. The French army retaliated with the siege of Montsegur.
The staircase at Queribus, one of the last Cathar refuges to fall.
A mournful statue of the Virgin Mary stands guard in the valley below Montsegur.